Nice site packaging needs to contain solid, meaningful messaging that resonates with your audience. When we do a redesign, we need to craft focused, engaging content and structure it properly while making sure the message flows well between key points.
What do John Lydon and Audrey Hepburn have to teach us about good marketing communications? Plenty. If your design doesn't communicate the right substance, the packaging is irrelevant.
When you have a content managed site, you want to focus on managing your content, and not worry about getting tangled up in the design. This distinction is handled by how your management layer is set up.
Content management tools empower content creators to be more nimble. However, there is one aspect of a CMS - the humble WYSIWYG editor - that can wreak havoc.
This picks up on the second phase of visitor interaction with your website in our two part look at how to counteract online ADD among your prospects.
It’s critical to understand that when someone arrives on your homepage, they go through two main phases in their interaction with it.